Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm ready to go home now

I'm counting the days until 2 weekends from now when I can go back to my house. Nevermind the fact that the Waiver still isn't processed and I'll have no staff... I absolutely cannot live here much longer. My stepfather was nothing short of ridiculous last night (angry that I only thanked him once for paying $6 for my dinner, and not twice or however many times he wanted to be thanked), and I've just about had it. Every time I think he's being human, he does something stupid and ridiculous again.

Maybe I'll start packing up and going home sooner. I can leave Elsie here for a few days, unless that'll set him off too. Then again, I hate to be at my house without her.


1 comment:

  1. Lydia, I really enjoy your blog. You have taught this household a lot of really good things :-) Having said that, don't feel pressured to do it - it isn't fun if there is pressure and it should be something you enjoy. I'll always be here when ever you post - I am not going anywhere.

    I hope you have a good weekend at Emmaus House. It sounds like a great place for some respite.

    It is good that you are not making a decision about living arrangements until you find out what services you'll be receiving. Hopefully you will get some answers really soon!

    You have lots of scheduled activities. I agree with not going to work right now because you are doing really well.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
